
Server : Apache
System : Linux 3.10.0-1160.95.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Jul 24 13:59:37 UTC 2023 x86_64
User : nobody ( 99)
PHP Version : 8.1.23
Disable Function : NONE
Directory :  /scripts/

Upload File :
current_dir [ Writeable ] document_root [ Writeable ]


Current File : //scripts/ea-tomcat85
# cpanel - scripts/ea-tomcat85                       Copyright 2018 cPanel, Inc.
#                                                           All rights Reserved.
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited

use strict;
use warnings;

package scripts::ea_tomcat85;

use Cpanel::Config::LoadUserDomains ();
use Cpanel::AccessIds               ();
use Cpanel::JSON                    ();

use File::Path::Tiny ();    # Path::Tiny’s version is overly complicated
use Path::Tiny;
use Capture::Tiny 'capture';
use XML::LibXML ();
use Cwd         ();
use App::CmdDispatch;
use Path::Iter            ();
use Cpanel::SafeDir::Read ();

my $cmds = {
    add => {
        code     => \&add,
        clue     => 'add <user>',
        abstract => 'add tomcat 8.5 support',
        help     => "add tomcat 8.5 instance to the given user.",
    rem => {
        code     => \&rem,
        clue     => 'rem <user>',
        abstract => 'remove tomcat 8.5 support',
        help     => "Remove tomcat 8.5 instance from the given user.\n\tSince this is destructive you must also verify you want to continue. Passing --verify=<user> will make it work. If you don’t pass it an explanatory message is given with instructions.",

    list => {
        code => sub {
            _bail( $_[0], "“list” does not take any arguments" ) if @_ > 1;
            for my $user ( _get_tomcat85_users() ) {
                print "$user\n";
        clue     => 'list',
        abstract => 'list users with tomcat 8.5 instance',
        help     => 'List users, one per line, that have a tomcat 8.5 instance.',
    all => {
        code => sub {
            my ( $app, $operation ) = @_;
            if ( !defined $operation || ( $operation ne "stop" && $operation ne "restart" ) ) {
                _bail( $_[0], "“all” requires an additional argument, either “stop” or “restart”" );

            for my $user ( _get_tomcat85_users() ) {
                print "Starting $user …\n";
                my $homedir = _get_homedir($user);
                    sub {
                        local $ENV{HOME} = $homedir;
                        my $orig_umask = umask(0027);
                print " … done ($user).\n";
        clue     => 'all <stop|restart>',
        abstract => 'Stop/restart all tomcat 8.5 instances',
        help     => 'Stop or restart all users’s tomcat 8.5 instances.',

my $hint_blurb = "This tool supports the following commands (i.e. $0 {command} …):";
my $opts       = {
    'help:pre_hint'  => $hint_blurb,
    'help:pre_help'  => "Various tomcat 8.5 related admin utilities\n\n$hint_blurb",
    default_commands => "help",
    alias            => { remove => "rem" },

run(@ARGV) if !caller;

sub run {
    my (@argv) = @_;
    die "This script should only be called as root\n" if $> != 0;

    local $ENV{TERM} = $ENV{TERM} || "xterm-256color";    # non-CLI modulino avoid needless: Cannot find termcap: TERM not set at …/Term/ line 373.
    App::CmdDispatch->new( $cmds, $opts )->run(@argv);

#### commands ##

sub add {
    my ( $app, $user, $homedir ) = _process_args(@_);

    _bail( $app, "The user already has a tomcat 8.5 instance." ) if -d "$homedir/ea-tomcat85" && !_tomcat85_dir_is_empty_or_apps_only("$homedir/ea-tomcat85");

    print "Adding $user’s tomcat 8.5 instance …\n";

    my ( $http_port, $ajp_port ) = _get_ports($user);

    my $curdir = Cwd::cwd();
        sub {
            local $ENV{HOME} = $homedir;
            my $orig_umask = umask(0027);

            mkdir "$homedir/ea-tomcat85";    # it may exist so don’t check it’s RV
            die "Could not create directory “$homedir/ea-tomcat85”: $!\n" if !-d "$homedir/ea-tomcat85";
            chdir "$homedir/ea-tomcat85" or die "Could not change into “$homedir/ea-tomcat85”: $!\n";

            for my $dir (qw(conf bin logs run temp webapps/ROOT work/Catalina/localhost/ROOT)) {
                File::Path::Tiny::mk($dir) or die "Could not create directory “$dir”: $!\n";

            my %symlinks = (
                '/opt/cpanel/ea-tomcat85/README.USER-SERVICE-MANAGEMENT' => 'README.USER-SERVICE-MANAGEMENT',
                '/opt/cpanel/ea-tomcat85/README.FASTERSTARTUP'           => 'README.FASTERSTARTUP',
                '/opt/cpanel/ea-tomcat85/README.SECURITY'                => 'README.SECURITY',
                '/opt/cpanel/ea-tomcat85/README.APACHE-PROXY'            => 'README.APACHE-PROXY',
                '/opt/cpanel/ea-tomcat85/README.USER-INSTANCE'           => 'README.USER-INSTANCE',
            for my $target ( keys %symlinks ) {
                symlink( $target, $symlinks{$target} ) or warn "Could not symlink “$symlinks{$target}” to “$target”: $!\n";

            my $data_start = tell DATA;
            seek( DATA, $data_start, 0 );

            system("cp -r /opt/cpanel/ea-tomcat85/user-conf/* conf/");
            system("chmod 640 conf/*");

            my $dom = XML::LibXML->load_xml( location => "conf/server.xml", load_ext_dtd => 0, ext_ent_handler => sub { } );
            $dom->findnodes('//Server[@shutdown="SHUTDOWN"]')->shift()->setAttribute( port => -1 );    # disable the shutdown port

            my $ajp_connector_exists = 0;
            for my $conn ( $dom->findnodes("//Server/Service/Connector") ) {

                # hide version exposure
                # Could set `server` in addition to xpoweredBy but:
                #    1. it is a generic value for tomcat 4.1-8.5 so all an attacker can gelan is that it is tomcat
                #    2. if we set it to something else it will be a known value and they will be able to
                #       determine not only that its tomcat but also the version
                $conn->setAttribute( xpoweredBy => "false" );

                # set the ports to the user’s ports
                if ( $conn->getAttribute('protocol') eq 'HTTP/1.1' ) {
                    $conn->setAttribute( port => $http_port );
                elsif ( $conn->getAttribute('protocol') eq 'AJP/1.3' ) {
                    $conn->setAttribute( port => $ajp_port );
                    $conn->setAttribute( secretRequired => "false" );
                    $ajp_connector_exists = 1;

            if ( !$ajp_connector_exists ) {

                # Create <Connector port="10001" protocol="AJP/1.3" xpoweredBy="false"/>
                my $ajp = $dom->createElement('Connector');
                $ajp->setAttribute( port           => $ajp_port );
                $ajp->setAttribute( protocol       => 'AJP/1.3' );
                $ajp->setAttribute( xpoweredBy     => "false" );
                $ajp->setAttribute( secretRequired => "false" );

            my $valve = $dom->createElement("Valve");
            $valve->setAttribute( className      => "org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve" );
            $valve->setAttribute( showReport     => "false" );
            $valve->setAttribute( showServerInfo => "false" );
            for my $host ( $dom->findnodes("//Host") ) {

                # hide version exposure: Create a ErrorReportValve w/ showServerInfo and showReport attributes to false

                # Host – autoDeploy, deployOnStartup, unpackWARs, and deployXML false
                #   - FWiW, ASF does exploded deploys instead of ^^^
                $host->setAttribute( autoDeploy      => "false" );
                $host->setAttribute( deployOnStartup => "false" );
                $host->setAttribute( deployXML       => "false" );
                $host->setAttribute( unpackWARs      => "false" );

            _write_dom( "conf/server.xml" => $dom );

            _sysdie( "add service management" => ( qw(/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/cpuser_service_manager add ea-tomcat85), "--init-script=/opt/cpanel/ea-tomcat85/bin/" ) );



    chdir $curdir or warn "Could not chdir back to “$curdir”: $!\n";
    print " … done!\n";


sub rem {
    my ( $app, $user, $homedir ) = _process_args(@_);

    _bail( $app, "The user does not have a tomcat 8.5 instance." ) if !-d "$homedir/ea-tomcat85" || _tomcat85_dir_is_empty_or_apps_only("$homedir/ea-tomcat85");

    print "Removing $user’s tomcat 8.5 instance …\n";

    if ( !grep m/^--verify=\Q$user\E$/, @_ ) {
        die "This operation can not be undone, please pass the --verify=<USER> to indicate you’ve backed up anything in $homedir/ea-tomcat85/ that you want to keep!\n";

    my $curdir = Cwd::cwd();
        sub {
            local $ENV{HOME} = $homedir;
            chdir $homedir or die "Could not change into “$homedir”: $!\n";

            my $orig_umask = umask(0027);
            _sysdie( "remove service management" => qw(/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/cpuser_service_manager rem ea-tomcat85) );

            # Can’t just File::Path::Tiny::rm("$homedir/ea-tomcat85")
            # because we want to keep these if they are not empty
            my $fetch = Path::Iter::get_iterator("$homedir/ea-tomcat85");
            while ( my $path = $fetch->() ) {
                  if $path eq "$homedir/ea-tomcat85"
                  || $path =~ m{^\Q$homedir\E/ea-tomcat85/webapps(:?/|)};

                -l $path || -f _ ? unlink($path) : File::Path::Tiny::rm($path);
            rmdir("$homedir/ea-tomcat85");    # if its not empty (webapps) then this fails, that is what we want


    chdir $curdir or warn "Could not chdir back to “$curdir”: $!\n";
    print " … done!\n";


#### helpers ##

sub _ubic_tc {
    my ($cmd) = @_;

    # would be cool if Cpanel::FindBin (or whatever) did this for us: CPANEL-22345
    my $real_perl  = readlink("/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl");
    my $cp_bin_dir = $real_perl;
    $cp_bin_dir =~ s{/perl$}{};
    local $ENV{PATH} = "$cp_bin_dir:$ENV{PATH}";    # not only does this allow it to find our ubic-admin, it allows its env-shebang to pick up our perl

    # This is necessary to reflect reality under start/restart since Cpanel::AccessIds does not reset ENV
    #     - HOME is already set because other callers need it also
    local $ENV{USER} = ( getpwuid($>) )[0];

    system( "ubic", $cmd, "ea-tomcat85" );

    return $? ? 0 : 1;

sub _sysdie {
    my ( $do_this, @cmd ) = @_;
    my $cmd_str = join( " ", @cmd );
    system(@cmd) && die "Failed to $do_this (exit $?)\nThis will need done manually:\n\t`$cmd_str`\n";

sub _bail {
    my ( $app, $msg ) = @_;


    die "$msg\n" if $ENV{"scripts::ea_tomcat85::bail_die"};

    warn "$msg\n";
    exit(1);    # there is no return()ing from this lol

sub _process_args {
    my ( $app, $user ) = @_;

    _bail( $app, "User argument is missing." ) if !$user;
    _bail( $app, "User argument is invalid." ) if !exists { Cpanel::Config::LoadUserDomains::loaduserdomains( undef, 0, 1 ) }->{$user};

    return ( $app, $user, _get_homedir($user) );

sub _get_homedir {
    my ($user) = @_;
    return ( getpwnam($user) )[7];

sub _get_ports {
    my ($user) = @_;
    my ( $http_port, $ajp_port );
    my $port_count = 2;


    # see if they have them already so that we don’t keep allocating them
    if ( -f $scripts::cpuser_port_authority::port_authority_conf ) {
        my @ports;
        my $hr = eval { Cpanel::JSON::LoadFile($scripts::cpuser_port_authority::port_authority_conf) } || {};
        for my $port ( keys %{$hr} ) {
            next if $hr->{$port}{owner} ne $user || !exists $hr->{$port}{service} || $hr->{$port}{service} ne 'ea-tomcat85';
            push @ports, $port;
        if ( @ports >= $port_count ) {
            ( $http_port, $ajp_port ) = sort @ports;

    if ( !$http_port || !$ajp_port ) {
        my @cmd = ( qw(/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/cpuser_port_authority give), $user, $port_count, '--service=ea-tomcat85' );
        my ( $stdout, $stderr, $exit ) = capture { system(@cmd) };    # we could scripts::cpuser_port_authority::run("give", … but its nice to output the command, and the exit value is nice to detect success/failure

        if ($exit) {
            my $cmd = join( " ", @cmd );
            $stderr =~ s{\[\?1034h}{};
            die "$stderr\nFailed to allocate ports!\n`$cmd` exited $exit\n";
        else {
            my @lines = split( /\n/, $stdout );
            ( $http_port, $ajp_port ) = sort grep { m/^[1-9][0-9]+$/ } @lines;

    if ( !$http_port || !$ajp_port ) {
        die "Failed to get ports ($port_count)!\n";

    return ( $http_port, $ajp_port );

sub _load_modulino {
    my ($modulino) = @_;
    eval { require "$modulino" };
    die "This feature is not available on this version of cPanel. You need v76 or newer\n" if $@;
    return 1;

sub _write_dom {
    my ( $path, $dom ) = @_;

    # get nicely indented XML (from
    for my $node ( $dom->findnodes('//text()') ) {
        $node->parentNode->removeChild($node) unless $node =~ /\S/;

    return path($path)->spew( $dom->toString(1) );

sub _get_cmd { $cmds }

sub _get_tomcat85_users {
    my @tomcat85_users;

    my %cpusers = Cpanel::Config::LoadUserDomains::loaduserdomains( undef, 0, 1 );
    for my $user ( sort keys %cpusers ) {
        my $homedir = _get_homedir($user);
        push @tomcat85_users, $user if -d "$homedir/ea-tomcat85" && !_tomcat85_dir_is_empty_or_apps_only("$homedir/ea-tomcat85");

    return @tomcat85_users;

sub _tomcat85_dir_is_empty_or_apps_only {
    my ($tomcat85_dir) = @_;
    my @contents = Cpanel::SafeDir::Read::read_dir($tomcat85_dir);
    return 1 if !@contents || ( -d "$tomcat85_dir/webapps" && @contents == 1 );


# Your customizations can go here, for example, CATALINA_OPTS

# example from
# Trade some security for startup speed by using non-blocking entropy:

. /opt/cpanel/ea-tomcat85/bin/

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